Soaring Wings Parent/Teacher/Student Organization (SWPTSO) sponsors social, civic and fundraising events which enhance the school community, including: Cider Social, Rainbow Giveaway, Angel Trees and Yearbook. We often respond to world needs by picking up additional projects such as gathering donations for teachers in Lahaina following the fire, sending contributions to a sister Montessori school in Turkey following the earthquake. SWPTSO is about playing a role in our school, local and global community where needed.
Funds are collected in our Children’s Planet Fund from which students budget for our annual donations to organizations such as the Summit County Library, Recycle Utah and Swaner Nature Preserve. These organizations are chosen by students for their focus on supporting children and the planet. The Children’s Planet Fund also funds our Teacher Enrichment program enabling teachers to attend an assortment of local, national and international teacher workshops and conferences.

Some of Our Causes
Over the years our Children’s Planet Fund has donated over $250,000 to charitable organizations, lending depth to our curriculum. We have maintained relationships with children on all continents as well as our “adopted” Navajo Grandmother, Frances Bahe, who continues to exchange letters, gifts and FaceTime calls with students. The Children’s Planet Fund provides a way for children to see that they can make a difference in their world.
How You Can Help
The outstanding parents, teachers and students who are the backbone of SWPTSO make sure that each social, civic and fundraising event is successful as well as lots of fun. Each volunteer brings experience, talent and enthusiasm to projects and events. We invite you to join us! Watch the newsletter for the next SWPTSO event. Donations are gratefully accepted.
For more information about our Soaring Wings PTSO or to make a donation, please feel free to contact
SWPTSO is a domestic non-profit corporation for charitable contributions, Federal ID# 26-1693961.