Toddler Program
Ages 1 ½ – 3 yrs
Monday through Thursday or Monday through Friday
8:30 or 8:45am – 11:30 or 11:45am, depending upon class assignment
We do not offer daycare or preschool. Our teachers hold Montessori teaching credentials for the developmental level of their class and are able to provide appropriate individually-paced instruction for every child every day. The Toddler class offers a rich, safe and loving sensorial environment where the children are encouraged to develop motor and social skills, experiment with cause and effect relationships, practice self care skills, discover colors, shapes, textures, sounds, smells and tastes. The classroom is carefully prepared to meet the needs of the child without being overly stimulating. During the toddler years children go from learning to care for themselves by dressing and toileting independently and preparing a snack for themselves to moving into abstract ideas such as shapes, colors and the phonetic sounds of the alphabet. Teachers observe the child’s interests and provide enticing lessons to encourage their curiosity.
Through the school year classes learn a little about Art, Science, and Literature – as well as Geography and History. Geography from a toddler’s perspective includes rocks, water, plants, animals and cultures of each continent. History is about the daily routine, seasons, holidays and birthdays. Large windows provide a view of the passing seasons, reflected in the books, art, snacks and activities offered inside. Children choose whether to work inside or outside on any of the available materials.
Toddler Plus Program
Ages 1 ½ – 3 yrs
Monday through Thursday or Monday through Friday
8:30 or 8:45am – 2:30 or 2:45pm, depending upon schedule
Toddlers are welcome to extend their day with lunch and nap at school, keeping their daily routine consistent and self-directed. Parents supply “PeaPod” style tents for napping so that whether at home, school or traveling your child will have a familiar place to nap. Just search PeaPod tents online and order the one you like best. Toddler Plus students also need favorite napping items such as blankets, pillows and/or lovies. They can bring a lunch from home (recyclable or reusable containers and no nuts or sugar, please! ) or order a school lunch from Savoury Kitchen (435-608-1408). Students will need extra clothes, diapers and a water bottle. Children nap until about 2:00, then have a snack and prepare for pick up at 2:45 – 3:00pm.

We invite you and your children to drop by any school day at 10:00am, so that we can give you a personal tour and discuss enrollment. An appointment is not necessary.