Leith Strachan, BS IMC MACTE

Leith W Strachan


Leith grew up in Park City, attending Soaring Wings through 6th grade. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Unmanned Systems from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University where he studied robotics, drones, and various other autonomous systems.  He recently retired from the US Army having served in Iraq, Germany, Hawaii, and many other lesser-known places around the globe. Along the way he became an Eagle Scout, a state champion high school swimmer, excelled in any type of sport involving a board and was named Best Warrior of the western states. Leith recently moved home to Utah with his wife, Suda, and children, Luna, Elliott, and Strider. He will take on administrative duties at Soaring Wings while completing the Montessori Administrator credentialing program at Center for Guided Montessori Studies, bringing his Montessori journey full circle.