Many of us chose Park City as our home due to the security of living in a small town. The health & safety of your child is our most important responsibility at Soaring Wings. Our school was designed and constructed with health and safety in mind. This brief outline provides an overview of the procedures we follow to ensure the health and safety of our students.
Every class studies the Food Rainbow, noticing that a plate full of colorful foods that have come from the Earth, rather than from factories, is the goal for each meal. We emphasize drinking lots of water, washing hands frequently, large motor as well as fine motor and cognitive exercise, and we practice yoga and meditation in all classes. Classrooms are disinfected each day and more often when illness is detected. If your student develops any of the following symptoms while at school, or even if they just don’t seem themselves, we will ask you to pick them up from school and keep them home for 24 hours after symptoms subside:
- fever of 100F or higher
- vomiting
- diarrhea
- persistent cough
- discharge from nose or eyes
- rash
If anything unusual or particularly contagious, such as head lice, appears, we will let you know so you can help us to look for symptoms. Through the pandemic our school stayed open because we worked closely with the Summit County Health Department and with faculty to make sure we were doing everything we could to keep our families and faculty safe. We asked families to change their travel plans for the sake of the community and you did it. With your continuing support we will enjoy healthy, happy days at school for many years to come.
Our school policy is zero tolerance for any form of violence. Violence is not tolerated at school in any form. Violent or graphic images are not allowed on school grounds.
Dr. Montessori based her educational philosophy on peaceful living practices. Every faculty member is familiar with the philosophy and that a peaceful lifestyle begins with simple practices such as being respectful of people and things. This starts in the infant class where students begin learning to use gentle hands and to recognize emotions. By about age 4 students are becoming proficient at solving problems with words, giving each person a chance to speak. The mix of ages in each class adds to the variety of personalities and abilities students are working with each day. The oldest in the class recognize that they can help the younger or less able and that everyone has something special to add to the class community. Each student works at their own pace so everyone’s specific needs are met.
Our school is a place of peace where every individual is respected and honored for who they are.
School Grounds
School Grounds
The week before school starts in August the entire staff cleans, repairs and inspects every square centimeter of the school grounds for sanitation and safety. During the school year, the faculty arrives well before the start of school each day to survey the grounds, common areas and classrooms to ensure that everything is as it should be before the arrival of the children. Throughout the day the staff checks and rechecks for potential hazards. Local fire and police officials visit annually to review safety procedures and recommend any improvements.
Staff Training
Staff Training
All of our staff undergoes a thorough background and criminal history check, as well as fingerprinting before beginning work at Soaring Wings. Fitness for duty, acuity of judgment, ability to act quickly and understanding of safety procedures are some of the qualities required of our entire staff. In addition, all staff members recertify in CPR/First Aid on a regular basis. Throughout the school year child safety is the number one priority of the staff.
Student Training
Student Training
The first weeks of school are spent practicing health and safety rules in class. On the first day of school all Early Childhood, Elementary and Middle School students practice whistle drills and walking the outdoor boundaries. These exercises are repeated throughout the school year along with periodic fire, earthquake and lock down drills.
Video Surveillance
Video Surveillance
The parking lot, playground and all common areas of the building are under 24 hour video surveillance.
Daily Security Check
Daily Security Check
Every morning the entire campus has been inspected for potential hazards. At 9:00am all doors and gates are closed and secured.
File Confidentiality
File Confidentiality
Only staff members have access to student records. We do not release family information to anyone outside of our faculty.
Students are only released to those authorized by the parent.
Rotating staff members are stationed at the doors and gates as greeters each morning to welcome students and get to know the parents and others authorized to be on campus and to make sure all students get to classes safely.
All students must say good-bye to their teacher when leaving as an act of etiquette as well as to let the teacher know they are safely in the care of an authorized adult.
The faculty stays informed of potential safety issues in the news. There are over 30 pairs of eyes looking out for danger each day in school, and the students are encouraged to observe and point out small details that adults may overlook. Our local Sheriff’s deputies drive by the school periodically to maintain a presence.
Lock Down
Lock Down
Just as we rehearse fire and earthquake drills so do we have a plan in place for dealing with outside threats.
The IMC is a worldwide umbrella organization of Montessori schools. Soaring Wings is a member and follows the IMC Code of Ethics and Principles of Good Practice.
The Utah Montessori Council administers the following certifications. Click on the logo to see a list of criteria our school is required to meet in order to receive that certification.

We invite you and your children to drop by any school day at 10:00am, so that we can give you a personal tour and discuss enrollment. An appointment is not necessary.